Vegan Nutrition

chicken fritters

Vegan Chicken: What Is It Made Of, Nutritional Benefits

As the interest in plant-based diets continues to grow, so too does the availability of vegan alternatives to traditional meat products. A prime example is vegan chicken, a product that has captured the attention of vegans, vegetarians, and even meat-eaters with its uncanny similarity to the real thing. But what is vegan chicken made of? […]

Vegan Chicken: What Is It Made Of, Nutritional Benefits Learn More

Sliced Kiwi Fruits

Vitamin E in Your Vegan Diet: How Can You Get Enough Vitamin E?

The vegan diet has seen a remarkable surge in popularity, with statistics indicating a global increase in plant-based eating. In the United States alone, the percentage of people identifying as vegans has risen significantly over the past decade. This shift reflects the growing awareness of health, environmental, and ethical concerns associated with animal products. Vitamin

Vitamin E in Your Vegan Diet: How Can You Get Enough Vitamin E? Learn More

fruits and vegetables

The Connection Between Plant-Based Nutrition and Dental Longevity

A plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can prevent gum disease and tooth loss. Essential nutrients in fruits and vegetables, like vitamins C, A, potassium, and magnesium, contribute to strong teeth. Drinking water, especially fluoridated tap water, is vital for dental health, helping rinse away bacteria and acid. Despite the benefits of

The Connection Between Plant-Based Nutrition and Dental Longevity Learn More

Person Pouring Dip on Vegetable Salad

Vitamin D on a Vegan Diet: How to Meet Your Daily Needs

With the increasing awareness and embrace of vegan diets, a study by Sainsbury’s Future of Food suggests that by 2025, nearly a quarter of the population will be vegetarian or vegan. This growing trend highlights the importance of adapting to a plant-based lifestyle. However, despite its popularity, nutritional concerns remain a barrier for some individuals

Vitamin D on a Vegan Diet: How to Meet Your Daily Needs Learn More

vegan diet

Vegan Diet: A Complete Guide

Vegan, if defined precisely, encompasses all attempts to exclude animal cruelty ranging from food, clothing to way of life. The number of Vegans in the US has changed drastically over time. As per the report Top Trends in Prepared Foods 2017, a sixfold increase in people who identify themselves as ‘Vegan’ was observed since 2014.

Vegan Diet: A Complete Guide Learn More

vegan diet

The Benefits of a Vegan Diet

Going vegan is a difficult decision to make. That’s most true if you’ve been a meat-eater for most of your life. It’s like suddenly deciding you no longer want to breathe air. But more and more people, likely once meat-eaters themselves, are deciding to pursue the vegan lifestyle. Leading the pack are high-profile celebrities including Zac Efron

The Benefits of a Vegan Diet Learn More

healthy diet concept

Managing Your Diet and Making You Look Good at the Same Time

Many of the younger generations of today are living a wellness lifestyle. Millennials are teaching the generation after them how to be fit and stay fit. Both generations are implementing a wellness-first standard in their lives. This is affecting the whole world as we know it. If you’re looking for a way to join this revolution, then

Managing Your Diet and Making You Look Good at the Same Time Learn More

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